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SEND Information

Lady Royd Primary School is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils; however we recognise that some pupils may need some additional support.

SENCo contact details

Mrs L Leary


Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

Children may require additional support in school when academic progress is slower or has stalled or when their behaviour is disturbing others’ learning. For pupils with a previously undiagnosed difficulty, the school implements a graduated approach based on the guidance from Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s Children’s Services for SEN. This is based on an Assess-Plan-Do-Review structure.

If a child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), then the school provides the support detailed in the plan. Other pupils may not have an EHCP but may still receive support for a variety of difficulties including: Social, emotional and mental health, Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction or Physical and/or sensory conditions (the main areas of need).

School provision at Ranges 1 to 3 for each area of need is described in the SEND Local offer. The school employs a fully qualified SENCO and pupils can access Teaching Assistant support and may benefit from an adapted curriculum.

Pupils who are “New to English.”

The school supports every pupil who is learning English for the first time. We have a small and dedicated team of staff who will work with the pupil and their family to agree a broad, balanced curriculum with the right degree of challenge. Some pupils may be able to attend all lessons with their peers with support. Others may need more intensive English support for a period of time with the intention of integrating into all mainstream lessons as soon as possible.

Pupils who are fluent English speakers, but speak another language at home are supported through the school’s Literacy and EAL policy and procedures.

Support for pupils’ health and wellbeing.

If your child suffers from Asthma, Anaphylaxis or has a chronic medical condition, he/she should have a Health Care Plan, issued by his/her GP / Consultant. Sharing these plans with us enables the school to meet your son’s/daughter’s medical needs whilst on site.

The school has a medical room which pupils can visit if they are feeling unwell where a qualified first aider will make an assessment of immediate needs. A member of the School Nursing Team is available on a weekly basis. School staff can make referrals to the nurse with parental permission. In turn, the School Nurse can make referrals to the GP, CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) or other local agencies.

External Agencies

We regularly work with a wide variety of partners in supporting pupils’ needs. These include:

The School Nurse Team; CAMHS; Sharing Voices; The Cognition and Learning, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Behaviour Support and Autism Teams at Bradford Metropolitan District Council.